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Act 51 Stars 9

6 Dec

Sailor Moon confronts Sailor Galaxia at the Galaxy Cauldron, and there finds the ruler of the darkness, Chaos.

Original Picture Collection Vol. V


  • 387x269mm
  • 1997 Nakayosi February front matter
  • Media: Color ink, marker, water based ball pen
  • Paper: Fine BB Kent, Japanese paper

“This picture was originally supposed to be two pages facing each other, but I forced it into a one-sided piece, because I didn’t really have enough time. It was during the middle of ’96 when I felt the most strongly that I didn’t want to work. On the job and in my private life, I was hemmed in and stressed. I wonder why nowadays when I think something is stressful that I can’t remember what it was like back then <G> I really wanted to see Sailor Cosmos in the anime.”